Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Ideas 1

Sorry about the delay, dear readers. Fortunately, I have not been idle during this time. I've been writing like a madman these past weeks, which is the main reason I haven't been able to spend much time here lately. For this post, I decided to make good on something I said I might do in one of my previous posts. I said before that I might talk about some of the books I plan on writing, and now is as good a time as any to do it. The first book idea that popped into my head was sort of what got the whole thing rolling. It started when I was in a car travelling with one of my best friends to spend a night on a retired Navy battleship, the U.S.S. Alabama. We were playing 20 questions out of boredom, and my friend had been coming up with mythical creatures for me to guess, which actually didn't work out very well, since I was pretty knowledgable about those kinds of things. Anyway, once, when I was having a hard time figuring out one of his creatures, his dad asked, "Now this isn't one of those creatures you made up for your little world and that only you know about now, is it?" That comment moved us away from the game and toward a discussion of his "world." I had just finished reading all of the Lord of The Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia books, so I was very impressed that my friend had undertaken the endeavor of creating a fictional world. I had given it some thought myself, but the amount of detail that had been present in the books I had read, especially Lord of The Rings, had intimidated me. I figured there was no way I could do something as involved as imagining every detail of a different world. However, once I listened to my friend tell me about his ideas, I began to think, "If he can do it, then I can too." Soon after that, I began to think about what kind of mythical creatures I would have in my world. It took until the end of the vacation, but finally I managed to come up with one that I was satisfied with. When we pulled into my driveway, my friend was asleep, but I tried to tell him about my ideas anyway. He gave an approving mumble and fell back asleep. From then on for long time I was constantly thinking about all the different stories that might take place in a different world, other creatures that might live there, and so forth and so on. Finally, I was confident enough in the level of detail that I started to write a book, and I'm still writing it today. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten very far, since I went through a long period of inactivity because of other things. But I hope to pick up the pace again soon and get more written. That's the first book idea I had, and I'll tell you about some others another time. If someone requests it, I might even post some chapters I've completed and you could tell me what you think. The next post will come very soon, as soon as the campus newspaper is out, which will be on April 20. I can't release it now because my editor asked me not to. Something about usage rights or some other such nonsense. Until then.

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