Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Steps On the Journey

It's almost the end of my first year at Jones, so I figured I'd better update what's been going on since my last post. You know that Opinions article I posted not long ago? It turns out there will be plenty more where that came from, since I'm going to be the Opinions editor for the Radionian next semester! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, it's another step on my journey to becoming a professional writer. I've already come up with a few ideas for some articles, and whatever I consider my best work, or deem not quite right for the newspaper, will get posted on this site. You are very welcome. To be honest, I got kind of scared thinking about all the responsibilities I will have to shoulder as an editor, but I'm plunging in head-first anyway. That's the only way I'll be able to do this. If I try to wait until I think I'm ready, I'll never do it. I'm thinking about going ahead and writing some of the articles this summer, just so I'll have less to do when the work starts piling on in the fall. On top of being an editor, I might also have a service project, if Dr. Taylor decides to give us one next semester. I'm hoping that we'll just spend fall planning out the project we'll be leading in the spring, but you never know.
This year has gone by so quickly. When I think that I only have three more years of college, it seems like I'm already graduating. Of course, I will be graduating next year, since Jones is only a two-year college. My plans are to go to Southern Miss after Jones, but that's subject to change. My mother doesn't really like the idea, because there aren't many Christian influences there. I understand how she feels, but it's pretty much going to be that way wherever I go, unless I decide to go to a private Christian university like Mississippi College. But if I went there, I'd probably have to borrow money, not to mention move into the dorms, which would make things even more expensive. Any other Christian college is out of the question, since most of them don't even have newspapers. I'm also interested in working on a radio station, since I've been told for a long time that I have a "radio voice." I'll be studying journalism anyway, so it would be a shame not to at least give radio a shot. Who knows, I may even try television news.
From now on for this blog, I'll try to divide the posts up into three different categories.
First: Ideas. These posts will contain some of the random thoughts that fly through my head on a daily basis. These posts will also probably become the building blocks for some of my opinions articles.
Second: Steps. These posts will be about the events of my everday life, as well as those that take me closer to my goal of becoming a professional writer.
Third: Works. These will be the articles or essays that I consider to be my best, as well as any blog-exclusive pieces I write.
I think that this system will help to better organize my posts so that you, my readers, can have a general idea of what's in them before you even read them. Also, if there's one section that you particularly like, you can read similar posts just by clicking on the label. Until next time, readers.

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