Monday, November 29, 2010

Pirates: Old and New

     I decided to take a break from all the heavy philosophy and write about pirates. Pirates have been around for a long time, I'm not sure how long, maybe ever since there were ships. They're famous for stealing things from ships using swords, pistols, brute force, or anything else at their disposal. Legends revolve around their skill in battle and the huge amounts of treasure that they supposedly accumulated throughout their plundering years. Blackbeard was one of the fiercest and toughest pirates ever to sail the seas. One story says that he once tested his men's mettle by literally creating an artificial hell below decks, complete with burning brimstone, and holding a contest to see who could endure the intense heat and blinding smoke the longest. The story says that before long, every one of his crew members had given up and fled the torturous prison, while Blackbeard's maniacal laughter reverberated from the smoke and ebbing red glow. Those were the pirates of old.
     Pirates are still around today, but they've changed drastically. The most common pirates today don't sail the seven seas, but instead surf the World Wide Web. They wouldn't know what to do with a sword or a pistol, and as far as fighting ability goes, they usually rank around the "zilch" level. Instead of stealing priceless gems or gold and silver, they pillage movies, music, and video games. The closest they come to obtaining riches is to download an illegal copy of the Gold and Silver versions of Pokemon games. Compared to their predecessors, these sorry excuses for pirates are nothing more than an ill-told joke. They would probably faint at the mere mention of enduring fire and brimstone. Blackbeard would hang his head in shame.

    Needless to say, piracy has lost a lot of the appeal it used to have to adventurous souls. Perhaps this is a good thing. Maybe the way to fight piracy isn't to go after the pirates themselves, but to make internet plundering seem so uncool that people can't stand to be associated with it.
     Those are my thoughts, anyway. Next week it's back to serious stuff. I've had an entire week off of school, so my brain is kind of lazy right now. Until next time.

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