Monday, September 27, 2010

Events and Ideas

     After that epic essay, it's time to get back to what's happening with life. The ReView is going moderately well. By that I mean the stories are going fine (my second one is in the latest edition), and I'm still doing well in all my classes, but it's also taking up a lot of time. College is going well, especially now that I've gotten to know a few people.
     Today I got to meet Charles Pickering. I'm a member of the honor's institute bearing his name at JC. He came to speak with us about a book he wrote, called A Price Too High, which we were required to read. It was about when he was a judge and had been nominated to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. During that time, he suffered a lot of political slander from Democrats because they knew he was personally opposed to abortion and afraid he might make a ruling against it. It's a fascinating book, if you ever decide to read it. At least I liked it. Apparently there are some students who found the book extremely boring. I suppose that's one of the reasons I'm weird. I love reading about subjects dealing with morality, controversy, or some disputed Christian doctrine. I just find the concept of right and wrong extremely interesting, especially when it comes to how we as humans are supposed to act towards each other.
     Consequently, those are the things I enjoy writing about the most. How am I going to do that as a journalist, you ask? I'll find a way. I'll write for the opinions section, or write a novel on the side. Why a novel? I have a short attention span, so trying to write an entire book about these concepts directly might bore me, or more importantly, bore my readers. I decided it would make more sense and be more interesting if the concepts could be seen in action, preferably in an exciting fiction story. Plus, I also love far-out genres like science-fiction and fantasy, so it's a win-win.
     I've got quite a few story ideas, which I may talk about one of these days. At the moment, though, I've got homework to do. Bye.

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