Wednesday, October 13, 2010


"We're all hypocrites to some degree." That was an offhand comment I made while talking to one of my classmates in English. I didn't really think much about it when I said it, it was sort of one of those knee-jerk Christian comments that I make from time to time. You know, things like, "God bless," or "have a blessed day." It was just based on my belief that all men sin, and when we get upset when other people do the wrong things, we're really just being hypocrites. I didn't really think about the implications until one night when I was at a football game with a friend of mine. She was making a joke about Ole Miss, because she knew that I watched their games, and in reply, I said something like, "Do you make comments like that because you're intolerant and culturally insensitive?" I was only joking, but as soon as I said it, I felt horrible. In the days prior to that, I had been thinking of derogatory comments I could make to someone who teased me about being homeschooled. Because I had been thinking about insults I could make, one of them slipped out in normal conversation. The thing that really drove it home for me, though, was that I had been learning about forgiveness, and how we basically don't have the right to be angry at anyone because of all the things we've done ourselves. Ouch.
We're all guilty of hypocrisy. We're supposed to be one of the most tolerant and forgiving societies in the world, but all you have to do is read the comments on an article about Miley Cyrus's latest album to know that's not really the case. People are always willing to forgive, unless they've been affected in some way.
In case you haven't noticed, I kind of like philosophy. Now, on to life. I just got through dealing with a huge wave of tests. I guess the teachers thought it would be fun to wait and hit everyone with all the tests at once. My history teacher thought that it would be even more fun if he did a test on the first six chapters in our history book all at once. Not to say that he's mean, he's just... free-spirited. He has trouble deciding on what to do, so he's been putting off tests until recently. I haven't been writing for the newspaper lately, and I may have to quit it all together. I know I've been saying that for awhile. As always, I'll let you know.

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