Friday, October 21, 2011

The First Confrontation

An editor's life is a busy one, especially when said editor has a part-time job and is enrolled in the Honors Institute. Until lately, nothing particularly interesting had been happening. I've been getting on okay with my writers, meaning that nothing negative has happened. Other than a few instances in my personal life, which I will decline to mention, life has been fairly humdrum. And yet, simultaneously, things around me seem to be heading into a crescendo.
Spiritually, my life has been getting much more interesting. I recently began attending Wednesday night youth services again, which has been food for my soul. I missed the passion that comes from pursuing God wholeheartedly with like-minded peers. It's unlike anything else. More importantly, I feel like things  are escalating. I feel a strong need to initiate a prayer time before the services to make them even more intense and fulfilling. Why I think this is necessary is difficult to pinpoint. It's part of that "crescendo" feeling I mentioned earlier, but I have no idea where it's headed. Perhaps it will lead to the next step in God's plan for my life. I'm also teaching Sunday School in the morning now. It's not a big deal, I'm just teaching out of a book. I brought the book, "Dug Down Deep," to our youth pastor and said I thought it was important that we teach the youth about the basic principles of Christianity. Of course, he responded by laying it back on me. The book is pretty much about basic theology; the non-negotiables of Christian faith which every believer should know. Stuff like the deity of Christ, the Trinity, what the cross means to us, and good stuff like that.
On a different note, things around the newspaper may soon get a crescendo of its own. For the first time, I will be writing an article for one side of a controversial issue while another writer opposes me. I will be writing in defense of Proposition 26, a proposed amendment to Mississippi's State Constitution which has drawn a lot of negative fire recently. In essence, if 26 is passed, human embryos will be recognized as people, which will entitle them to basic rights like the right to live, which would effectively end abortion in Mississippi. If you remember one of my previous posts, "Deafening Silence," you know that I am definitively Pro-Life. However, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have launched a campaign aimed at putting doubt in the minds of conservatives. The maddening thing about it is that if people would just read the actual amendment, do some research, and use good sense, then the claims of organizations like PP and the ACLU would be shown up for the hollow sham they are. Since everyone else is too lazy, I'm going to do the research and put it all into my article.
My opponent is the President of the Student Democrats Club at JCJC. I've never spoken to her, although I see her around campus all the time. I never knew she was the president of a club, though. Anywho, I'm pretty excited to see how this all plays out. If I play my cards right, she'll just be repeating the same old things that have been circulating on the internet recently, and I'll have an article refuting each and every point she might make, and then some. It turns out that there are quite a few doctors and lawyers who support 26, so making my case should be easy. I'll post the final article on here, probably sometime next week, and let you know how everything went. Until then, dear readers.

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