Friday, August 31, 2012

The End of Jones

Well, summer is over, which means that I have to stop being lazy and start writing again. Yes, I could have written at any point during the last few months, but I just get this irresistible urge to sit down and do nothing but read and go on vacations when the weather turns hot. The good news is that I should be able to post much more frequently now since I have finally acquired my own laptop.

It feels like a long time since I've been at Jones, but it's really only been three months. I suppose I'll miss ol' JCJC, but at the same time I'm ready for something new, and USM is certainly that. Yes, I am officially a student at the University of Southern Mississippi. I'm continuing my study of journalism, with an emphasis on News Editorial (writing for print or online publications, basically). School started on the 22, which was a Wednesday, and my first assignment was due that Friday, my second on Tuesday. They don't mess around up here. However, school didn't meet Tuesday or Wednesday because of Tropical Storm Isaac.

How have I spent my summer? Glad you asked. After my graduation, I worked with my dad at our family's meat processing plant. That lasted until the end of June. I also helped him with a couple of construction projects that we did for his mother, who lives in a house that's over 100 years old. Seriously. In July, I went to a two-week, um, I guess you would call it a conference, but it was more like two weeks of intensely interesting college classes. Officially, it was an apologetics conference hosted by Summit Ministries. Apologetics means "a defense," and it's typically used to describe the defense of the Christian faith. You basically learn to defend Christianity as actually true, instead of just one version of the truth (which is an idea propagated by Postmodernism, the belief that there is no absolute truth). After that, I spent a few weeks doing almost nothing but reading Orson Scott Card and hanging out with my friends before everyone had to go back to school. That, in a nutshell, was my summer.

There was only one real downer during this otherwise happy period. When I was signing up for the Student Printz, the campus newspaper at USM, I got a little careless. I filled out the application online, and a few days later I left for the apologetics conference. I'll admit that I knew the Printz would probably ask for samples of my work, but I didn't know when and I didn't think that there might be a deadline to turn them in. I suppose it's really my fault, though. I could have found a way to check my email if I had wanted to badly enough. Let it suffice to say that my samples were late and that I didn't make it on the Printz. There's always next semester. Who knows, maybe not getting on the Printz may turn out to be a blessing in disguise, since I'm taking a couple of writing intensive courses this semester.

Anyway, my experience on the whole has been a positive one. I'll be posting again soon, I'm sure. This is Seth, signing off.